Our Public Lands Teacher Workshop Series: Lake Mead
September 2, 2023 | 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Join Get Outdoors Nevada and the National Park Service for this CCSD-approved 2-CU workshop that investigates the geology of Lake Mead.
One of the goals of this workshop will help teachers feel comfortable conducting a self-guided fieldtrip to the Bluffs Trail at Lake Mead.
Activities and lessons in this workshop are connected to 4th-grade standards but can be adapted for multiple grade levels (adaptations are discussed in the workshop).
Participants will investigate the geology of the Lake Mead area and explore geological processes that shaped the landscape we see today. To a lesser extent, the stories of water, plants, and animals and the human experience at Lake Mead will also be explored. Teachers will learn and practice both pre and post-field trip lessons and activities, as well as activities to facilitate with students at the site.
Participants will begin their workshop with activities at the Bluffs Trail and then head to the Water Safety Center on Lake Shore Blvd for the remainder of the workshop. The early part of the day will be outside and on a trail. Walking shoes, water, sunscreen, and hat are strongly recommended.