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Mt Charleston Overnight Trips Workshop 3: Core Camping Skills

July 2, 2022 | 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

We are excited to partner with Go Mt. Charleston! for our next workshop series. We are organizing things a bit differently this time. Instead of spreading things out over several weeks, we have booked a group campsite and space to hold workshops to help plan overnight trips on one weekend. You can come for all of the workshops or just a few. Please fill out the meal and camping form even if you are only registered for a single workshop: https://forms.gle/vb1ujXu58zcL6ren7

Our third workshop of the weekend will be our Core Camping Skills. We will cover basic skills including information about tents, camping stoves, and campfires. Come learn about gear before you go on your first camping trip and try out our gear so you get experience using it before you invest in your own or go on a trip without practicing.

This workshop will be at the Smith Group site at the Mahogany Grove Group Campground.